Everyone wants to sell their home for a good price, but what do you do if your home actually subtracts from its value? The easiest example and most nitpicked feature of a house is small space. When home buyers walk into a home and see a tiny living room, they’ll instantly be put off. It might even be the deciding factor for them to not make an offer. So, below we’ve listed a few things you can do to make your small spaces seem LARGE.

Ingredients for Selling Small Rooms
1. Natural Light — This is your biggest ally. When there’s a ton of natural light entering the house, it creates a warm and inviting feel. It connects the outside with the inside. Walls and the disconnection from nature are broken. Home buyers feel they’re part of a bigger area, and that impresses them. So, utilize your windows. Pull back the curtains and let the light in. If the outside isn’t pretty, then add a few plants to the windowsill to distract their attention a little.
2. Complementary Paint Colors — Natural light is a great thing for selling your home, but if you’re home interior is painted dark colors, it subtracts from the space. Rooms feel smaller and colder to home buyers. That’s why you should paint the walls a soft, neutral color. It’ll add perspective and trick the eye to seeing more space.
3. Clear Room with Furniture — Buying multi-use furniture will take away the clutter and add a unique twist to your rooms. One example is by using a chest for your coffee table in the living room. You can store things inside while still use it for the usual things. You can also strategically place your furniture in ways that adds space to your rooms. Large furniture should go against the wall so they won’t break a buyer’s vision of space.
Convincing the Buyer
If you employ the three techniques for transforming your small space into something “larger,” then you’ll have an easier chance of convincing the buyer. They only buy with their eyes, not with facts. If a room looks big, they’ll think it’s big (even though an agent will tell them the actual size). If you’d like more suggestions about selling your home, send us your questions in the form below.
Stay Tuned for the Next Edition of Home Selling Points!