You have found your one-stop shop for buying or selling your home in South West Florida.
You can quickly search the MLS like an agent for all homes for sale in South West Florida including Tampa, Bradenton, Sarasota, Siesta Key, Longboat Key, Venice, North Port and Cape Coral.
Medway Realty helps you Buy or Sell your home at the right price by providing you with the very best and latest technology.
We pride ourselves on providing second to none customer service based to our clients. Focusing on integrity and honesty! We are here to provide you with everything you need to buy or sell your next home.
The Medway Realty Team
Our highly trained team of real estate professionals understand that the purchase or sale of your next home involves the single largest investment in your life and they understand that it is vital for you to receive the right advice and be made to feel 100% comfortable and secure throughout the entire transaction.
We close over 1000 transactions a year and we know how to help you every step of the way.
We take our responsibility to you seriously and we promise to treat you with absolute trust and integrity at all times. Our standard of service is high and we are dedicated to making your…
“Home Buying or Selling Dream Come True.”